Proud of conserving forest areas by encouraging their sustainable use and promoting the exchange and transfer of knowledge.
Specific objective 2.1
Showcasing and promoting Macaronesian forest heritage by improving the potential of its resources and ecosystems.
Objective 2.1.1
Network of Forestry Information Centres
The aim is to increase the Network of Forestry Information Centres and equip them with the necessary equipment and improve local ones with the small renovations required, in order to bring visitors closer to the forestry reality of each area and its management.
Photo: Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza, RAM.
Objective 2.1.2
Exceptional trees and groves of Macaronesia
Among the different aspects offered by the protection of the land, of great importance is the protection of the exceptional trees and groves of Macaronesia which are those that have extraordinary characteristics in terms of their rarity, size, age, historical, cultural or scientific significance.
Photo: Árboles singulares de la Macaronesia.
Objective 2.1.3
Forestry certification
Promote new certification zones and encourage training actions relating to forestry certification.
Photo: Aprovechamiento forestales de la Macaronesia.
Specific objective 2.2
Preserve forest resources through innovative actions in Natura 2000 zones and urban-forest interface zones.
Objective 2.2.1
Defence plans and experimental actions
The aim of this activity is to validate potentially vulnerable spaces in urban-forest interface zones and stress the need of bringing in prevention plans for these zones.
Photo: Entrenamiento de brigadas forestales.
Objective 2.2.2
Actions on networks of trails
Promote the setting-up of ICT services that can increase the enjoyment of hikers and visitors who come to forest spaces.
Photo: Experiencia de senderismo responsable.
Objective 2.2.3
Control and eradication of invasive alien species
Development of an action programme aimed at increasing knowledge about the control and eradication of invasive alien species. Shared management will be enhanced to control a common invasive species (Arundo Donax).
Photo: Acciones de control de cañaverales en cauce de barranco.
Specific objective 2.3
Shared forestry knowledge for Macaronesian Regions. Exchange of knowledge and experiences for professionals and technicians in the forestry sector.
Objective 2.3.1
Flow and exchange of forestry information
Continue to promote events and/or conferences among the different forestry sectors in these regions in order to transfer shared knowledge and experiences in a way that strengthens the convergence of regional policies and optimises public resources anchored in a strong and shared experimental base.
Photo: Design thinking aplicado a los recursos forestales.
Objective 2.3.2
Training programme on the use of new technologies
This programme involves the development of training actions, aimed at groups with the greatest impact on the forest environment. The courses and conferences will soon be available in this section of the website.